I came out of The Hours somewhat stunned. This is a remarkable film and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore are all superb and utterly believable. The link between the three (Kidman as Virginia Woolf, Moore as a 1950s depressed housewife and Streep as a confident modern woman) are seemingly only linked by a book – Mrs Dalloway.
The lives of the three are crumbling in various ways and this conveyed well on screen. Kidman –hardly recognisable thanks to great make-up –is superb and going slowly mad in 1920s Richmond. Moore’’s character appears to have feelings of worthlessness while Streep is coping with modern day New York while her relationship seems to be going nowhere and a good friends suffers with AIDS.
This isn’t a happy film. Many of the scenarios are quite sad but it isn’t really a depressing film either. It’s engrossing and engaging and even the supporting characters are played brilliantly.