Last night I met up with some old work colleagues. I used to work with most of these guys six or seven (if not more) years ago and we’ve all remained in contact ever since. This is fantastic, especially for me as they were the first people (apart from some ex-University friends) who I met when I moved to London. We have, however, fallen into the trap of thinking we are all six or seven (if not more) years younger than we actually are and spend the evenings getting very drunk in various London drinking holes. We then wander like (drunken) startled rabbits around the West End looking for a post-closing curry. A fun, if somewhat painful, experience.
Well, not last night. Firstly, we added some extra people – friends of ex-colleagues – which made the night more interesting. Secondly, we decided to (this is all very grown up) to go out for a meal. And it was decided that we go to Belgos in Covent Garden. I had very little to do with the decision (in fact, to be honest, I never replied to that email so I have nothing to complain about) but the great thing is that I love Belgos. I’ve always enjoy the whole pots of mussels thing and make a sufficient mess to show that I have enjoyed the food.
And to add to that, there was the cutest waiter serving the table next to ours – which was all the better as he got to lean over and serve them. Ah, the joys of lust!