Week commencing Monday, 29 August 2022

Quantified Self
- This week: Stand 6/7; Exercise 4/7 and Move 5/7. (71%, down again).
- Lovely to meet Gerry and Paul at the Hampton Court Palace food festival. It was a great way to spend a bank holiday morning. Ended up trying remarkably little of food.
- To Jo & Phil’s for a barbecue the same evening and considerably more food was consumed: I am not sure how they do it but the barbecue is always perfectly done.
- The Riverside Studios in Hammersmith was once, albeit prior to the redevelopment, one of the many homes of the BBC’s Doctor Who and Quatermass. We went for ‘evening in a dungeon with a gorgeous male escort’. Or, more accurately, to see Horse Play a comedy about such a situation. I feared it would a bit cringeworthy and, actually, was really amusing.
- Thursday was my last day in the office: some lovely words were said and there was a great gift. It felt a bit odd leaving the building but we had fun at the drinks.
- Friday was even odder as I was officially working but had no company equipment. Mainly used webmail to send my goodbyes.
- A wonderful evening at The English Grill in Victoria with Rashmi. It looks like she will be moving to the US.
- Saturday night it was off into the Symphonic Universe at the Royal Festival Hall where the London Concert Orchestra played film scores, mainly – but not exclusively – from the Marvel Universe (think Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man and Captain America). It was quite a last minute booking and I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like but it was superb.
I am going to take a break from Weeknotes as I’ve decided to spend some time decorating and visiting family before I start my new job. Hopefully, I will be back doing this at some point.
To save the links getting lost in the future I checked the Internet Archive to see what they had saved for the posts linked here. If the original source above no longer works, these should.
Originally posted at curnow.org and archived at The Wayback Machine.