Things that caught my eye today:
- Are your SMS text messages being intercepted? Spy Blog seems to think that they may be. A terrorism export quoted on the site says, “Having this kind of surveillance is the price we have to pay in a modern society to protect us from terrorists”. While in principal I agree with that I do think we have a right to be told that this is happening. Wonder what they make of my late night drunken texts home?
- If you thought teleportation was just in the realms of science fiction then think again. I had always assumed it was just something inventive story-tellers made-up. Well, BBC News reports that there have been some advances in teleportation. We might be a long way from Scottie beaming us up but it’s fascinating, don’t you think?
- Do you have a cool idea for the future of the web browser? If your idea might require some machine learning to implement it then Blake Ross wants to hear from you.
- I made a conscious decision this year not to get start watching the current series of Big Brother – it can suck you life from under you. Naturally, this is the year I wish I’d been paying attention. If you missed it there’s been a punch-up and the police were called. Tonight’s eviction is cancelled. According to The Scotsman, a BB spokesman said, “We want to let the housemates continue to work through their differences rather than be faced with an eviction”
- And if you haven’t seen this year’s Ascot hat collection you should for they look frightfully dull compared to some years.