Generative AI

Some of the text on this page was written by ‘AI’ using text-davinci-003

Yesterday, while on a break between meetings, I asked one of the currently popular AI tools to write something about how advertising might be impacted by AI technologies with a focus on the space I am currently working in: addressable advertising for broadcasters and pay TV operators. I also asked it to highlight some associated risks.

I asked a very open-ended question so I was not expecting anything specific about any individual technology. I tried a few times to see what alternatives were suggested. In general, what I got back was wonderful marketing speak: better targeting for advertisers, more relevant ads for viewers and more money (because of both of those things) for broadcasters. If I was starting a new ad tech company then I’d probably use this text. But I didn’t learn anything. Responses from the current models are very generic. I’d love to try the same question on an industry-specific data set trained with fewer buzz words and generalisations.

The prompt:

Write three paragraphs explaining why AI will improve advertising technologies with a focus on technologies for video and connected television. In the first paragraph outline the benefits for advertisers. In the second paragraph explain the impact on broadcasters and viewers and in the last paragraph outline some risks associated with AI and advertising. Use British English.

The response:

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in advertising technologies has the potential to revolutionise the way brands, broadcasters, and viewers interact. For advertisers, AI technologies offer the potential to increase the effectiveness of their campaigns by making them more personalised, targeted, and cost-effective. AI-enabled technologies allow advertisers to identify the right viewers, track their behaviour and preferences, and deliver customized ads that are tailored to their interests. AI can also help advertisers better understand the impact of their ad campaigns, identify potential opportunities for improvement, and optimise the ads for maximum performance.

The introduction of AI in video and connected television advertising technologies also has the potential to enhance the viewer experience. AI-based technologies can be used to deliver personalised, targeted, and interactive ads that are tailored to the viewers’ interests. This can help broadcasters create more engaging and entertaining advertising experiences for their viewers, as well as offer brands the opportunity to create more immersive and compelling ad campaigns.

However, there are some risks associated with the use of AI in advertising technologies. For example, the use of AI could lead to the emergence of new forms of advertising that are intrusive and manipulative. AI-based technologies could also enable companies to track and analyse consumers’ behaviour in order to deliver ads that are tailored to their preferences. This could lead to the creation of a ‘surveillance economy’, in which companies have access to an unprecedented amount of personal data. In addition, AI could be used to create ‘fake news’ and other misleading content, which could undermine the trust and credibility of brands.
